The concept and goal behind this podcast series is for our listeners to hear our brilliant guests and get a cartridge-style upgrade to their skills and capabilities. My request is that each guest speaks from the heart with honesty, authenticity, and integrity, and this week’s guest did not disappoint.
His name is Arjuna Ardagh. He is a Radical Brilliance coach, writer, and public speaker, and he was the original founder of Awakening Coaching. He has trained more than 2,000 people to become Awakening Coaches over the last 25 years.
Arjuna has been a speaker at conferences all over the world and has appeared on TV, radio, and in print media in 12 countries. He has spoken at Google and at the United Nations.
In his groundbreaking new book, Radical Brilliance, Arjuna (author of the #1 national bestseller The Translucent Revolution and eight other books) offers us a compelling and practical model for the hidden components that together make up a brilliant life.
Arjuna put this book together based on more than 15 years of interviews with more than 420 scientists, artists, musicians, inventors, and social architects.
Arjuna’s current big quest is two-fold. One massive context is what is actually happening to humanity on the planet right now. “Essentially we are faced with various kinds of crises that are completely and utterly unprecedented, both in their global nature and severity.”
We, as humans, can do various things to become more capable in various ways, but if we're not actively addressing the predicament of the global crisis, then whatever we're doing, “it's like making a little more money on the card table while the Titanic is going down. It’s going down anyway and your winnings will not mean very much once you're in the water.” Unless our capabilities are aligned with the well being of generations not yet born, they're irrelevant.
Second is how slowing down, relaxing, and doing less actually ushers miracles into your life. A big myth we often buy into as doers and entrepreneurs is that everything is the fruit of our actions and our intentions. We overlook the fact that a lot of the greatest miracles that come into our lives come when we’re STILL and when we connect with the source bigger than our own minds.
Arjuna and I dive deep into the mythology and research behind what people think makes for a meaningful life and what ACTUALLY makes for a meaningful life. I’ll tell you right now ... it’s probably not what you’re thinking.
Arjuna shared some really interesting background with me that not a lot of people know, including where he was born, where he studied, how he got interested in exploring the outer dimensions of consciousness, and how he got his current name. Enjoy!