In this episode, the guys, along with the founders of AA Male Agency Awareness, discuss & bring awareness to the value of being physically & emotionally healthy.
“It’s important to have someone in your life to be honest with you.”
“There’s power in partnership!”
13:41 - Have faith in where God is leading you to. Ask him for strength and resources to accomplish works for his kingdom.
20:45 - Don’t become emotional from the hopes of doing good work without applying the implemented systems to be successful.
23:20 - “Provide a vehicle for people who want to do righteous works.” Your obedience is connected to other people’s destiny.
38:05 - don’t let your ego effect the way you hear & interpret statistical data that affects your life. Show humility when it comes to awareness.
41:05 - “Your standards will have you waiting.” Remain patient in your process of waiting an accepting what’s right for you.
Necessities For Success
Proper Education
Health Awareness
Entrepreneurship Skills
Know Your Health Vitals
Blood pressure
Heart rate
Change the trajectory of your conversations. Surround yourself with intentionally growing individuals.
Make differences in people around you with leadership & examples.
Ego is a version of sickness. Don’t allow egos to hinder your progress moving forward.
Take action once you’ve gained life changing information.
Did You Know That?
African Americans are the most amputated humans in America.
HIV is the #1 killing amongst African Americans.
Black men have highest suicide rate.
Black men have the highest rate of opioid overdose.
AA Male Wellness Agency
The National African American Male Wellness Agency takes responsibility in standing in the gap for their community. Their agency provides information & resources to reduce disparities in premature death and chronic diseases among African American.
To learn more about their cause an upcoming events, be sure to check out their website at
Instagram - AAWellnessAgency
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