Amagansett local and custom skateboard maker, Andrew Gualtieri sits down with us to chat about his company Breadmeat Skateboards (@andrewbreadmeat). Where did Andrew's love for art mold into his passion for skating to create the perfect beast of a product? Having a family fully of artists, it made it easier for Andrew to naturally pick up the craft. Years later and after many changes and tweaks, he has finally found the winning recipe for the ultimate shredding experience. With a brand new skatepark installed in Montauk, Dr. Breadmeat is only getting started with his custom creations. #HighlyEducatedPodcast
If you want to get a custom skateboard created for you or your friends, visit Andrew's website at:
This episode is brought to you by Freed Mind Fabrications (@freed_mind_fabrications on Instagram). Nathanial Fyffe is a custom jeweler and metalsmith that will create the piece of your dreams. Visit for his full available collection or to inquire about custom work! Highly Educated listeners will receive 10% off all online orders when using the code highlyeducated at checkout. (All lowercase no spaces, limited time only, while supplies last).
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