Politicians tweeting stupid things, IPCC report just as bad as leaked, "What’s happening in America today", Facebook misinformation, & Half of US adults exposed to harmful lead levels as kids.
Quick clip:
- 64% of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck
- U.S hits a gas record: $4.14 a gallon (national average)
When politicians don’t know what they’re talking about or say some stupid things:
Paul Gosar, Liz Warren, & Lindsay Graham all tweet some really stupid things.
IPCC report was just as damaging as the original leak of the report from 2021 led on to be. - source
"Half of the world’s people are “highly vulnerable” to serious impacts from the climate crisis, a billion people in coastal areas face inundation, mass die-offs of species including trees and coral have already begun, and close to a tenth of the world’s farmland is set to become unsuitable for agriculture."
What’s happening in America today - my response to Thomas Homer-Dixon of the Royal Roads University's Cascade Institute opinion piece - opinion piece
Trump is the symptom, not the cause. He deserves to be hated but simply "stopping" him won't stem the tide that created him. He's a clever idiot who became the face of it and there are a hundred others who could take up the mantle waiting in the wings. Stop Trump without "stopping" the social forces that caused his rise will do nothing. America has sown the seeds for this in countless countries around the world and we are now reaping the harvest in our own society. Stopping him in particular won't change anything. To stave this off you'd have to fundamentally change what American society is. This is a “both sides” issue. Just understand that without fundamental changes to the inequality and cruelty of our economic and political life, something that I think we can all agree the establishments on both sides have shown an utter unwillingness to undertake.
Facebook causing ‘catastrophic damage’ to climate by failing to deal with misinformation, research finds - source
“The price of Mark Zuckerberg’s failure to deal with his platforms’ pollution of the information ecosystem is catastrophic damage to our physical ecosystem, including climate change, forced migration, drought and famine.”
Half of US adults exposed to harmful lead levels as kids - source
"The scientists from Florida State University and Duke University also found that 90% of children born in the U.S. between 1950 and 1981 had blood-lead levels higher than the CDC threshold. And the researchers found a significant impact on cognitive development: on average, early childhood exposure to lead resulted in a 2.6-point drop in IQ."
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