Jamie Kilstein - We're all screwed by the same people, 500 scientists and scholars give stark warning, STOP softening our language, Nashville Bombing cool police story, & Killer Mike - Reagan (song).
Jamie Kilstein is right - we are all getting screwed by the same people. We just see it from different perspectives. And I believe they want us fighting among ourselves so we don't notice them taking our money. video here
More than 500 scientists and scholars have signed the *International Scholars Warning on Societal Disruption & Collapse*. It is a stark warning about the possibilities of societal disruption and event collapse. video link - link 1 - link 2
Having to soften our language is bullshit. We can't say starvation, death by exposure, etc. They want us to use words like "food insecurity" instead to soften the blow. link here
Nashville Bombing cool police story (personal)
Killer Mike - Reagan song video here
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