Why does money choose who is the most intelligent, COVID long hauler study, Project Veritas shows crazy CNN fear mongering in mainstream media, and MIT study shows no safer at 6 feet than 60 feet with indoor social distancing.
Why does money choose who is the most intelligent? -
Musk, Gates, political leaders? Money allows one to create the illusion of intelligence. They are rich. The system is set up globally this way. It's why vaccines go to rich countries first and then production for it plummets. It's why Bill Gates is going to solve climate collapse (sarcasm), and why Betsy Devos will fix education. Money chooses the most intelligent people. Money is not wealth. Money measures wealth. Wealth is real hard assets, like Gold, Silver, or Bitcoin.
‘Long Hauler’ Study Shows Covid Can Kill Months After Infection - source
One of the largest studies of Covid-19 “long haulers” has proved what many doctors suspected: Not only are many patients suffering a raft of health problems six months after infection, they’re also at significantly greater risk of dying. “Let’s not act surprised two years down the road, when people start committing suicide,” he said. “We did not do very well preparing and dealing with Covid. Let’s not make that mistake a second time.”
Project Veritas shows crazy CNN fear mongering in mainstream media - source
Project Veritas unveiled a video Tuesday the group says is of a CNN staffer describing how the network worked to show then-Presidential candidate Joe Biden in a favorable light during the 2020 presidential campaign. The undercover video captured a man, the self-proclaimed conservative watchdog group identified as CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester, saying he decided to work with the network because it focused on removing former President Donald Trump. Chester also credited CNN as a critical tool to electing Biden.
MIT researchers say you're no safer from Covid indoors at 6 feet or 60 feet in new study challenging social distancing policies - source
An MIT study showed that people who maintain 60 feet of distance from others indoors are no more protected than if they socially distanced by just 6 feet. According to the researchers, other calculations of the risk of indoor transmission have omitted too many factors to accurately quantify that risk. "We need scientific information conveyed to the public in a way that is not just fear mongering but is actually based in analysis," Bazant said. After three rounds of heavy peer review, he said it's the most review he's ever been through, and that now that it's published he hopes it will influence policy.
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