- Grief
- You know how I know you are misinformed? - You are anti-woke and anti-cancel culture yet you want to cancel things. You call everything “fake news” you don’t agree with and……You believe Elon Musk is canceling The View and you applaud that but also don’t realize it’s a fake news story. Source
- The real stock market. - Isn’t the stock market a scam because instead of working class people making more money for pay the get an incentive based on how good a company performs, and also their funds are tied up into stocks for large corporations who can use the investments of working class people to create more wealth for the bigger corporations which prices the retail investors out of more things in the economy?
- The Dems are far from innocent. BUT there's a difference between corruption and a fascist dictator.
- Texas/climate change/insurance - yeah the 3 aren't going together. - "As climate change fuels a stark increase in extreme weather, it is also driving up the cost of homeowner's insurance. In recent decades, Texas has seen more billion-dollar disasters than any other state, causing the price of homeowner's insurance premiums there to skyrocket. Scott Friedman, senior investigative reporter at NBC’s owned station in Dallas-Fort Worth, has more." - Source
- The BROilgarchs - "Among the broligarchs’ defining traits is an undemocratic conviction, made explicit by some, that their ideas should prevail regardless of the preferences of their fellow citizens. “Competition is for losers,” the headline of a 2014 Thiel op-ed in The Wall Street Journal declared—a sentiment that extends to the competition of ideas and policies on which democracy depends. - Source
- Operation ABSCAM - On February 2, 1980, the world learned of our high-level investigation into public corruption and organized crime, infamously code-named ABSCAM. Individuals caught on tape in the FBI's ABSCAM investigation, a high-level undercover sting targeting public corruption and organized crime. - Source
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