Hottest ever in Siberia, doomsday glacier, earth black box, teachers "dash for cash", 12.7 million go freelance, retirees asked to un-retire, family estrangement, & richest 10% produce most emissions -
Quick clips -
- Hottest ever in Siberia
- Scientists have detected new cracks in the key ice shelf that holds Antarctica's doomsday Glacier, indicating that the ice shelf could break apart within the next five years
- Earth is getting a black box to record events that lead to the downfall of civilization
- Teachers in South Dakota do a “Dash for Cash” where teachers get on their knees and fight for one dollar bills that they can use for classroom supplies while spectators watch and cheer
Main stories -
New Data Finally Shows Why People Are Quitting Their Jobs. It's Definitely Not Because They're Lazy (hint they went freelance) - Source
Millions of workers retired during the pandemic. The economy needs them to "unretire," experts say. - Source
Family estrangement: Why adults are cutting off their parents - Source
Polarized politics and a growing awareness of how difficult relationships can impact our mental health are fuelling family estrangement, say psychologists.
The richest 10% produce about half of greenhouse gas emissions. They should pay to fix the climate - Source
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