Elon Musk takes over Twitter, Midterm "Red Wave" isn't what was expected, & Ticketmaster - what happened, Pearl Jam is right, and their scalping program called TradeDesk.
Elon Musk takes over Twitter and like we all thought it is a shit show.
Midterm "Red Wave" isn't what happened. Red wave was a big failure due to cultural war GOP still tries to play. Mutiny on the right within the GOP - a Trump vs Desantis nomination?
Ticketmaster - what happened, Pearl Jam is right, and their scalping program called TradeDesk - Source 1, Source 2
Box-office giant Ticketmaster is recruiting professional scalpers who cheat its own system to expand its resale business and squeeze more money out of fans, a CBC News/Toronto Star investigation reveals. TradeDesk allows scalpers to upload large quantities of tickets purchased from Ticketmaster's site and quickly list them again for resale. With the click of a button, scalpers can hike or drop prices on reams of tickets on Ticketmaster's site based on their assessment of fan demand.
Neither TradeDesk nor the professional reseller program are mentioned anywhere on Ticketmaster's website or in its corporate reports. To access the company's TradeDesk website, a person must first send in a registration request.
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