The power of consumption with learning and echo chambers, the perfect democracy may not be what you think, cost of living involving math, the call for decentralized and evolving infrastructure.
The power of consumption with learning and echo chambers -
The self help industry has sold us the idea that consumption of information = learning. It doesn't. Never was. Learning is finding answers & solutions to current problems. This is why reading for sake of reading at one point gives diminishing returns. Every new book is repetition.
The perfect democracy may not be what you think -
"The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitudes. " ----- Aldous HUXLEY (1894-1963)
Maybe the old normal wasn't as good as we all thought. Maybe we can really make a new normal better.
Cost of living involving math - (example of the old normal)
Average rent in U.S. = $1468/month. If it's supposed to be 1/4 of your "pay" you would need to make $5887/month. That's $36.79/hour.
The call for decentralized and evolving infrastructure and financial systems - source 1 source 2 source 3
With the Fed’s system that allows banks to send money back and forth crashing for several hours, the call for being decentralized and evolving (just like we should with our archaic politicians). Maybe it’s time to update not only our infrastructure but also our financial system. "The idea was to explore IoT payments in a fully decentralised way." Could blockchain be the answer?
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