My opinion/prediction on AI, a Giant Parasol in Outer Space, Sam Harris, James Smith, Patrick Bet-David, and the downfall of podcasts with misinformation?
My prediction/opinion on AI - I think it will be a similar trend like social media or subscription based content. Where it will eventually get too big for itself and people will eventually dislike it.
Here we go again...facepalm - "Could a Giant Parasol in Outer Space Help Solve the Climate Crisis?" - source
Sam Harris speaks on misinformation and how "influencers" or commentators become the shit they spew because they are more concerned with making money or they start to believe bullshit for confirmation bias because that's what their audience wants to hear and it keeps feeding the machine.
James Smith on the downfall of podcasts like Joe Rogan and sounds similar to Sam Harris. - video here
Patrick Bet-David and his bullshit take on voting for his "values" and "freedom". Proves the point that Sam Harris and James Smith are talking about.
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Produced by The Wild 1 Media.