Biden team may partner with private firms to monitor extremist chatter online, Unusual Whales ( gives us the Senate Report exposing insider trading in politics, and Drought-hit California moves to halt Nestlé from taking millions of gallons of water.
Biden team may partner with private firms to monitor extremist chatter online - source
Patriot Act 2.0?
"The Biden administration is considering using outside firms to track extremist chatter by Americans online, an effort that would expand the government's ability to gather intelligence but could draw criticism over surveillance of US citizens. The Department of Homeland Security is limited in how it can monitor citizens online without justification and is banned from activities like assuming false identities to gain access to private messaging apps used by extremist groups."
Unusual Whales was created in the hopes of exposing insider trading in politics - source
On Life, Liberty, and Stock Markets. Unusual whales was created in the hopes of exposing insider trading. The example list of insider trading is long and exhaustive. What is new is whether unusualwhales also could be used to track and determine congress/senate transactions from the US House of Representatives, and see if these people were also potentially using information privy to them to trade.
Drought-hit California moves to halt Nestlé from taking millions of gallons of water - source
"Nestlé has maintained that its rights to California spring water date back to 1865. But a 2017 investigation found that Nestlé was taking far more than its share. Last year the company drew out about 58m gallons, far surpassing the 2.3m gallons a year it could validly claim, according to the report."
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