Are we really ready for what is coming, Hunter S. Thompson a week after 9/11, Yale study - climate change in the American mind, this summer was hotter than the Dust Bowl summer, & leaked IPCC report.
Written by Hunter S. Thompson a week after 9/11 -
"We are At War now, according to President Bush, and I take him at his word. He also says this War might last for "a very long time." Generals and military scholars will tell you that eight or 10 years is actually not such a long time in the span of human history -- which is no doubt true -- but history also tells us that 10 years of martial law and a war-time economy are going to feel like a Lifetime to people who are in their twenties today. The poor bastards of what will forever be known as Generation Z are doomed to be the first generation of Americans who will grow up with a lower standard of living than their parents enjoyed. That is extremely heavy news, and it will take a while for it to sink in. The 22 babies born in New York City while the World Trade Center burned will never know what they missed. The last half of the 20th century will seem like a wild party for rich kids, compared to what's coming now. The party's over, folks."
Yale study - climate change in the American mind - source
"46% of Americans still believe climate change is "natural" or "not happening." 25% are worried about it. A mere 15% think they will be harmed from the fallout, and just 10% have put any real effort into changing their lifestyle. 63% of people have made no lifestyle changes since 2008."
This summer was hotter than the Dust Bowl summer, NOAA says - source
"The period from June through August this year was the hottest on record in the United States, exceeding even the Dust Bowl summer of 1936, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said on Thursday."
"We leaked the upcoming IPCC report!" - Scientist Rebellion - source
"We have leaked part III of the upcoming IPCC report. There’s no time to wait around, there’s no time for continued inaction – the people deserve to know NOW what our corporate owned politicians have done to them. The greatest crime ever has already been carried out – the perpetrators are still at liberty, but the victims are starting to pile up. We leaked the report because governments – pressured and bribed by fossil fuel and other industries, protecting their failed ideology and avoiding accountability – have edited the conclusions before official reports were released in the past. We leaked it to show that scientists are willing to disobey and take personal risk to inform the public. We plead with people to go into serious nonviolent resistance. To join us in the streets to apply unbearable pressure on this genocidal system – to take it down before it takes us all down with it."
What’s happening in America and are we ready for what is coming?- my little rant
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