A year and a half ago, I went on an antidepressant medication, Wellbutrin, which is a dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. After 20 years of plant medicine, meditation, therapy, and other healing modalities, which I still use, I was still experiencing persistent challenges. With the support of my advisors and my doctor, I decided to an antidepressant while maintaining my alternative healing practices. Today on the show I discuss the intersection of psychopharmacology and psychedelics with a psychiatric pharmacist, Ben Malcolm.
On the show, we talk about how Ben became a psychedelic pharmacist and how he created his website, Spirit Pharmacist. We discuss the origins of mental health treatment, the use of psychedelics and psychotropics together, and important contraindications for LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, ketamine, and ayahuasca. We cover the process of tapering off antidepressants, the reasons behind it, how it works, and the period needed for tapering. Ben also speaks directly to psychedelic practitioners. This is offered for informational purposes only, and I would direct you to Ben Malcolm's website for more specific answers.
Ben Malcolm is a psychopharmacologist and professor of pharmacy with experience in plant medicine and psychedelics. He helps people get off psychiatric meds for journeys and is available to help you or your clients if you are in the healing arts. Ben Malcolm is a board-certified psychiatric pharmacist with a passion for psychedelic drugs, antipsychotics, antidepressants, and alternative medicines. He offers psychopharmacology consulting, educational courses, and a membership program at his website Spirit Pharmacist.