People don’t often think of Florida when they think of winter, but there is actually a lot that happens in the natural world. There are migrations happening, leaves falling, and much more! In this episode, we will explore the exciting world of winter in Florida.
Learn more:
Science of Fall Colors - Science of Fall Colors | US Forest Service (
Wildlife Happenings - UFlorida Wildlife Extension at UF/IFAS (
Do Black Bears Hibernate? -
Canada Geese (they're in parts of Florida! Peep that range map):
How You Can Help:
Find a local Audubon Chapter - Audubon Near You | Audubon
Plant A Tree - UPlanting and Establishing Trees - Gardening Solutions - University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (
Provide Healthy Wildlife Habitat - CIR 1429/UW175: Landscaping Backyards for Wildlife: Top Ten Tips for Success (
Sources for this Episode:
Science of Fall Colors - Science of Fall Colors | US Forest Service (
Wildlife Happenings - UFlorida Wildlife Extension at UF/IFAS (
Do Black Bears Hibernate? -
Cardinal soundclip: Mike Nelson, XC130967. Accessible at
Wood duck soundclip: Daniel Lane, XC66141. Accessible at
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