Episode description
Brennan Dunn is the go-to guy to talk about marketing automation. He’s build a SaaS, called Planscope, but these days he recommends first-time entrepreneurs build something smaller (like an eBook, or a webinar). He’s also the author of Double Your Freelancing Rate, and has lots of good insight on pricing, marketing, and automating your sales funnel.
Notable quotes:
- “We get so fixated on the medium (is it a SaaS, ebook, webinar) when really all that matters is the results for the customer.” – Brennan Dunn
- “Dentists are not typically googling around for dental software. To make the sale, you’ll need to knock on their door, and make a presentation. It’s not about the product, it’s about getting it in their hands.” – Brennan Dunn
- “You want to tap into things that are actually affecting someone’s bottom line. Go back to the dentist example: is the dentist losing money with his crappy terminal based dental software? You have to tap into actual core needs.” – Brennan Dunn
Show notes
Justin Jackson
PS: By the way, I’m working on something new called Product People Club. Go to productpeople.club, and sign up for the waiting list. I’ll have something to announce shortly!
Music by Striker Metal, Song: Fight for your Right
🎙️ Podcast hosting is provided by Transistor.fm.
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