Have you ever found yourself looking inward when a relationship goes sour, questioning your every action and thought, neglecting to consider the other person's behavior? It's a common pitfall many of us face, particularly those of us who have had the misfortune of dealing with a narcissist. In this episode, I share some personal reflections on this topic, exploring the dangerous territory of ignoring red flags and manipulative behaviours, blinded by our own introspection.
Website: Emotional Abuse Coach and high-conflictdivorcecoaching.com
Instagram: @emotionalabusecoach
Email: jessica@jessicaknightcoaching.com
{Substack} Blog About Recovering from Abuse
{E-Book} How to Break Up with a Narcissist
{Course} Identify Signs of Abuse and Begin to Heal
{Free Resource} Canned Responses for Engaging with an Abusive Partner