If you're eventually going to be entering the family court system, you must listen to this episode. As a seasoned high conflict divorce coach, I've seen how the court system often fails to prioritize the child's best interest. Abusers and Narcissists, armed with charm and manipulative tactics, can twist the system to their advantage. Today, we're going to unravel this complex web, giving you the knowledge to protect yourself and your children in the face of narcissistic or emotional abuse.
For additional support and learning more: https://high-conflictdivorcecoaching.com/
Here are additional episodes on this topic:
Unraveling the Family Court System: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1916632/13042085
Divorcing and Co-Parenting a Narcissist: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1916632/12218926
Website: Emotional Abuse Coach and high-conflictdivorcecoaching.com
Instagram: @emotionalabusecoach
Email: jessica@jessicaknightcoaching.com
{Substack} Blog About Recovering from Abuse
{E-Book} How to Break Up with a Narcissist
{Course} Identify Signs of Abuse and Begin to Heal
{Free Resource} Canned Responses for Engaging with an Abusive Partner