Navigating love after abuse can be very difficult. Nia Renee candidly admits that revisiting her abusive past can be challenging but necessary for healing. We delve into our personal experiences of learning how to love again after enduring such trauma. This episode aims to provide insight into navigating love post-abuse.
Nia Renee, known as "How to Love a Battered Woman" on Instagram where she shares her journey of overcoming narcissistic abuse. You can follow her here: @howtoloveabatteredwoman
Website: Emotional Abuse Coach and
Instagram: @emotionalabusecoach
{Substack} Blog About Recovering from Abuse
{E-Book} How to Break Up with a Narcissist
{Course} Identify Signs of Abuse and Begin to Heal
{Free Resource} Canned Responses for Engaging with an Abusive Partner