Divorcing a narcissist requires you to be prepared - mentally, physically, financially AND emotionally. Tessa of Kind Mama Coaching joins me to talk about the ins and outs of divorcing a Narcissist and what it's like to Co-Parent with one. We talk through strategies to keep yourself sane while navigating insanity. I highly recommend listening to this episode with a pen and paper in hand, especially if you are co-parenting with a narcissist.
Tessa Noel is a certified divorce transition and recovery coach and certified co-parenting specialist with extensive knowledge in multiple life coaching frameworks. She holds a degree from California State University of San Marcos and has firsthand experience in the family courts of California.
You can connect with Tessa here: https://beacons.ai/coachkindmama/
Follow her on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/coachkindmama/
Website: Emotional Abuse Coach and high-conflictdivorcecoaching.com
Instagram: @emotionalabusecoach
Email: jessica@jessicaknightcoaching.com
{Substack} Blog About Recovering from Abuse
{E-Book} How to Break Up with a Narcissist
{Course} Identify Signs of Abuse and Begin to Heal
{Free Resource} Canned Responses for Engaging with an Abusive Partner