Formerly a high school English teacher and a new teacher coach in Palo Alto Unified School District (Palo Alto, CA), Jennifer Abrams is currently a communications consultant and author who works with educators and others on new teacher and employee support, being generationally savvy, effective collaboration skills, having hard conversations and creating identity safe workplaces.
Jennifer’s publications include Having Hard Conversations, The Multigenerational Workplace: Communicate, Collaborate & Create Community, Hard Conversations Unpacked - the Whos, Whens and What Ifs, and Swimming in the Deep End: Four Foundational Skills for Leading Successful School Initiatives. Her newest book is Stretching Your Learning Edges: Growing (Up) at Work.
Show Highlights
4) Let's dig into one of the facets you wrote about in this book that seems to be particularly important to develop during the time of quiet quitting and teacher recruitment and retention - building resiliency - tell me about what your take is on this important skill to buil
Help leaders, adults and educators “grow up at work and play nice” to communicate effectively and support each other.
The professional credential we all need to start with and achieve.
Five facets to stretch curriculum and your learning edges.
Suspend certainty and stop extinguishing better ideas being offered by your learning community.
Tips to create a level of professionalism and “healthy hygiene” where everyone takes responsibility for their contributions.
The umbrella book you need to have on your bookshelf.
“The concept of adult development is something we don't focus on in schools. We have child development, we have their curriculum. We know where you're supposed to move vertically over through the grades. And this concept of adults developing isn't a piece of what we think we should be doing because we're already cooked.”
-Jennifer Abrams
Get the episode transcript here!
Jennifer’s Resources & Contact Info:Website: Jennifer Abrams
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