David Moffa is the Principal at Holy Cross Preparatory Academy, a private school in Delran, NJ serving students in grades 9-12. David has taught at the high school level in both public and private schools, and his mission as a school leader is to build communities where teachers and students feel a deep sense of personal value and empowerment.
Show Highlights
Proactive leadership in school management
The value of community engagement in achieving educational excellence.
Spread Positivity and tap into why it matters with a free tool betterleadersbetterschools.com/positive.
Building Communities in Schools where teachers and students feel valued and empowered.
The challenges of figuring out funding, growing enrollment, and organizational structure for the school.
Tailor Programs to Meet Enrollment current educational trends.
Create a career and life prep school with community involvement
“The idea of a college prep school, what we've learned is I'm glad that our need isn't Holy Cross College Prep Academy. What we're learning is we're not focused on college. It can't be just college prep, has to be career and life prep. We're still a preparatory academy, but preparing you for everything.”
-Dave Moffa
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The Positive Spotlight Tool™
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