Will Jawando is an attorney, an activist, a community leader, and a councilmember in Montgomery County, Maryland, a diverse community of more than one million residents. Called “the progressive leader we need” by the late congressman John Lewis, Jawando has worked with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senator Sherrod Brown, and President Barack Obama. His writing has appeared in The Washington Post and The Root and on BET.com, and his work has been featured in The New York Times and New York magazine and on NPR, NBC News, and MTV. He regularly appears on CNN, MSNBC and other media outlets.
Show Highlights
“At the bottom of that totem pole were black men. Intentionality was put in to tell us in the world at large, who and what we are, which most of which was negative. We're still counteracting that. We all need to work to do that. But when you have the presence of engaged black men in the lives of black boys and men, I personally can attest that it has a superhuman power.”
-Will Jawando
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Will Jawando’s Resources & Contact Info:
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