Lynn Hardin is a retired elementary school principal and certified life coach with over 20 years of experience working with school leaders at all levels.
She is passionate about staying current with the latest research and trends in education leadership. But most importantly, she is committed to helping her clients achieve greater success, both personally, and professionally and become the leader everybody loves.
Show Highlights
Let your DNA and “universe” help guide your career.
The golden thread behind creating a high performing and/or award winning school.
3 things to look for to spot and support good teaching in your building.
Create strategic leadership that attracts good teachers and repel those that are not a fit.
“The Model” you need for coaching “Brain 101” to to process the emotional side of leadership and teaching.
School leaders should NOT want to get rid of stress entirely.
Get a free tool that will shift you into action to free up time for rest with The Principal Planner.
“Good teachers, good teaching, that's all I needed. I didn't need programs. I didn't need more technology. I didn't need more textbooks. My philosophy was always to give me good teachers, and that's where I put my blood, sweat, and tears. It was good teaching. That was the golden thread that ran through all of 'em. And the last one was one of America's best urban schools. And they kind of picked us because of our STEM lab and all that was going on in there. But without good teaching, having all of this technology means nothing.”
-Lynn Hardin
Get the episode transcript here!!
Lynn’s Resources & Contact Info: Read my latest book!
Learn why the ABCs of powerful professional development™ work – Grow your skills by integrating more Authenticity, Belonging, and Challenge into your life and leadership.
Read Mastermind: Unlocking Talent Within Every School Leader today!
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How We Serve Leaders
The School Leadership Scorecard™
Identify your highest leverage areas for growth this year in 10 -minutes or less.
Month-to-Month Principal Checklist
As a principal with so much to do, you might be thinking, where do I even start?
When you download The Principal Checklist you’ll get
12-months of general tasks that every campus need to do
Space to write your campus specific items.
Space to reflect and not what worked as well as a space of what didn’t work
Go to to download now.
Ruckus Maker Mindset Tool™
The “secret” to peak performance is ot complicated. It’s a plan on how to optimize the five fundamentals found in The Ruckus Maker Mindset Tool™.
The Positive Spotlight Tool™
Energy flows to where attention goes!
If you want to get more of what you want, when you want it as a school leader I have a tool for you…
Download The Positive Spotlight Tool™ for free here:
The Ruckus Maker 8-Step Goal Setting Tool™
Are you ready to accomplish more?
With less effort and in less time?
When you download The Ruckus Maker 8-Step Goal Setting Tool™ I’ll send you the tool and a short 8-minute coaching video that shows you how to work smarter, not harder…and create more value for your school campus.
Download The Ruckus Maker 8-Step Goal Setting Tool™ for free at
How much student talk happened today?
When classrooms come alive with conversation, learning improves, students feel a sense of belonging, and teachers feel inspired.
The TeachFX instructional coaching app gives teachers powerful insights into their student talk, student engagement, and classroom conversation.
With TeachFX, teachers see how much student talk happened, the moments of students sharing their brilliance, and the questions that got students talking.Learn how to pilot TeachFX with your teachers. Visit:
Why do students struggle? I'd argue that they lack access to quality instruction, but think about it. That's totally out of their control. What if there was something we could teach kids there was something within their control that would help them be successful in every class? It's not a magic pill or a figment of your imagination.
When students internalize Executive Functioning Skills they succeed.
Check out the new self-paced online course brought to you by OB that shows teachers how to equip their students with executive functioning skills.
Learn more at
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