Julie Warner is an education writer and national and international consultant with a specific focus on educational technology and teacher wellness. She holds a doctorate in education from Teachers College, Columbia University and worked as a secondary teacher and college professor before stints as an Education Policy Advisor in the U.S. Senate and the White House and later overseeing the teacher issues portfolio within the U.S. Department of Education’s internal think tank. Even as she’s advised on high-level policy decisions in education, she’s always stayed close to the classroom: she’s a National Board Certified Teacher and has published a book on teaching teens with smartphones, co-edited a book on teaching with technology, published several recent articles on classroom teaching for professional journals for teachers, and is a journalist writing about innovative teaching practice.
Her newest book Failure Before Success: Teachers Describe What They Learned from Mistakes brings together accounts from everyone from a world-renowned Finnish education scholar and global policy advisor to distinguished professors of education to veteran teachers with decades of experience working in the complex field of teaching to unpack the process of learning from mistakes and critical incidents in the classroom. Julie works with teachers and school leaders to support technology integration and conducts workshops on how teachers can develop a reflective practice to strengthen their teaching.
Show Highlights
“I was having to figure out how to teach English as a second language, on-the-fly through the lens of English literature and writing. I made a ton of pedagogical mistakes along the way, and I also didn't have a sense of cultural competence to really understand how to interact with the other teachers and faculty.
-Dr Julie Warner
Julie Warner’s Resources & Contact Info: Looking for more? SHOW SPONSORS:
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Organized Binder is the missing piece in many classrooms. Many teachers are great with the main content of the lesson. Organized Binder helps with powerful introductions, savvy transitions, and memorable lesson closings. Your students will grow their executive functioning skills (and as a bonus), your teachers will become more organized too. Help your students and staff level up with Organized Binder.
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