Dr. Jeremiah Newell is the founder and CEO of MAEF Public Charter Schools, which has opened the first public charter school in the state of Alabama. He has previously taught middle and high school, led innovative secondary school models for disconnected youth, directed secondary school turnaround efforts, and served as a Harvard Fellow for the Rhode Island Department of Education.
He believes transforming public education is one of the most important issues of our time. He is committed to being a part of the solution and wants to learn from and partner with colleagues of all backgrounds to use our collective imagination, ingenuity, and perseverance to give young people their best possible start to adulthood.
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“As an educator, we have a responsibility to create the holding environment for young people to make change. That doesn't mean directing them to what that change should be. It's literally creating a space where they can learn and grow.”
Full TranscriptJeremian Newell’s Resources & Contact Info: Looking for more?
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