How to solve the crisis in education
Stanley Litow is a Professor at Duke, Trustee of the State University of NY and columnist at Barron's. He previously served as President of the IBM Foundation, Deputy Schools Chancellor for New York City, Founder and head of Interface and Executive Director the Urban Corps. He organized and led 3 National Education Summits, served on two Presidential Commissions and helped found PTECH schools
Show Highlights
Solutions to the crisis that education is facing as a cause of the pandemic.
Unpack the demands leaders are facing from the decline in the achievement rates, high school graduation, college enrollment and teacher recruitment and retention.
The essential step to addressing student achievement.
The P TECH program provides a clear pathway from school to college, to career.
Be part of the solution at the upcoming National Summit on Pathways from School to College to Career in Washington DC this March.
Overcome the doomsday data facing education leaders.
The big tent approach for Ruckus Makers to make systemic change.
“The one thing I would say is, and having been Deputy Chancellor of schools in New York City, the largest school system in the United States, worked in the private sector, worked for a mayor back in the day, worked in the non-for-profit community At this juncture, I don't think that there's an issue that's more significant and important than education, but it can't only be solved by educators. This is something that we need to get every American involved in. And not just to say what could we do, but give them a very concrete and specific agenda where our investment and it's gonna take an investment, but done in an innovative, creative and different kinds of ways can produce real meaningful change. And I think it is definitely possible.”
-Stan Litow
Episode’s Resources & Contact Info:Link to the event here:
The 2023 National Pathways Initiative Summit will be designed and structured to advance a clear vision for a new educational system that will incorporate a fundamental shift in the paradigm that has long guided U.S. education and enhance the pathways from the classroom, to college to a career.
To bring this initiative to life and marshal the support of federal policymakers, we are forming a diverse National Pathways Coalition composed of prominent leaders in sectors vital to this effort, including business, education, government, the civil rights community, nonprofits and students and young adults.
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