Houston is a speaker, author, and kindness advocate who has spoken at over 600 schools or events internationally. In 2016, he co-founded CharacterStrong - curriculum and training that help teach social and emotional skills. To date, they have worked with over 2500 schools globally serving over 2 million students. In 2019, his face was featured on Lays BBQ chip bags as someone who helps "spread smiles.” In 2020, his first book, Deep Kindness (Simon & Schuster, Tiller Press) was released. His mom is his hero and her best life lesson is to “hug like you mean it.”
“What we give our time to is what we value. Getting clear about that for ourselves is like a first important step. Then the second step is if we want to make those things, any level of a priority in our life, and it doesn't become about making time, it becomes about protecting time.”
-Houston Kraft
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