On this episode of @champandthetramp, Jesse Holt rejoins the conversation as the hosts discuss their recent hot yoga experiences. Roger shares the story of his 8-year-old son Grayson's participation in a jiu-jitsu tournament, detailing his initial loss, emotional struggle, and eventual comeback to win a match and earn a bronze medal. The group explores the mental challenges young athletes face in competition and reflects on the differences between jiu-jitsu and wrestling tournaments. Jesse Holt is a close friend of the show with many appearances under his belt. Jesse is a disabled veteran who runs Team Fight 4 Flight, a 501(c)3 organization that helps disabled vets with their mental health by going skydiving in New Jersey. You can follow Jesse https://www.instagram.com/jesseholt7 Episode links: https://linktr.ee/champandthetramp Show page: https://www.instagram.com/champandthetramp Frankie: https://www.instagram.com/frankieedgar Roger: https://www.instagram.com/rogermathewsnj