What do the TARDIS, the Delorean, H.G. Wells, and the Theatre have in common? They can all take you to any point in history. In the final episode of our inaugural season, thank you, to those who have been with me since the start, and thank you to those tuning in for the first time-- we will be exploring the field of Living History, through the lens of some of the most famous living history museums, local reenactors, and even visit the Renn Faire (which is not actually living history, as we will discuss.)
Guests include:
Deirdre Jones Cardwell
Programming Lead for Actor Interpreters; Colonial Williamsburg
Malka Benjamin
Associate Director for Historic Sites and Guest Experiences; Plimoth Patuxet Museums
Grace McGookey
Lead Educator for Costume Interpretation and Access; Tenement Museum
Lèna Chilingerian
Living Historian and Renaissance Faire Expert
Instagram: @theshakespeareyogi
Mark Leinung
Local Revolutionary War Reenactor