Universal Basic Income (UBI) has a reputation as a fringe idea that would be impossible to implement in the real world. But when the pandemic shutdown sent the global economy into freefall, both Canada and the U.S. stepped in with direct payments to their citizens that came very close to a national UBI model. Was this the unintentional experiment that proved the viability of the theory? After six months of economic upheaval and staring down the barrel of potentially worse to come, UBI is being discussed by economists, activists, academics, and (finally!) politicians from both sides of the spectrum. When both the left and the right are arguing for the same solution but for different reasons, that's a topic that the Ladies Who Crunch need to discuss! In this episode of Bottom Lines Top Dollars find out what UBI is, the major arguments for and against it, and discover that sometimes the line between capitalism and anti-capitalism can be blurry as hell.
The Ladies Who Crunch are Hadassah Damien and Laura Boo. More information about us and this podcast can be found at ladieswhocrunch.club.
Special thanks to our researchers Ariel Federow and Handy Levine.