Your capacity to sell in your business is capped (or dwindling) right now.
You put it down to external circumstances:
It’s the economy
It’s market saturation
It’s that everyone else is doing this flashy thing that I’m not prepared to do
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
It’s all about you and it’s always about you.
Yes, this is about your energy.
More specifically, it’s about your throat energy.
You’re not selling at the level you want to right now because you’ve not harnessed the uniqueness of your voice (which is the instrument that’s selling your offers and services).
You’re doing the same old stale “invitations” when what you could and should be doing is what I reveal to you in today’s episode.
I’m not here to blend it or fit in and I know that you aren’t either.
After listening to this episode, you’ll step into your unique voice and you won’t waver.
Through divulging the three ways you can tap into the uniqueness of your voice using the power of self-enquiry.
Because it’s not always about getting better answers. When it comes to your voice, it’s often about being asked better questions to be the disruptor that you are.
If you know speaking needs to be a bigger part of your business but you’re feeling blocked from taking action to get more speaking opportunities, I’m hosting a workshop especially for you. In 90-minutes, I’ll show you:
To design your unique path to speaking with power and pleasure in your business, sign up to the White Hot Speaker Workshop today:
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