You think we had big villain introductions before? Wait until you get to meet The Enforcers and the Big Man!
- Fancy Dan : Judo master with a cigarette holder
- Ox : He's big and hits hard
- Montana : He's got a lasso
- Big Man : He runs stuff
Together they work on taking over all the mobs of New York City. And with their combined might, who can resist them? Spider-Man, that's who. But he's too busy debating whether or not he should give Aunt May a blood transfusion, for fear of killing her with his awesome power. In the end though she just takes a trip to Florida to cure her mystery illness (clamydia?). All this and we get Jonah accusing Spider-Man of once again being the masked villain of the month and Spidey works on his arts and crafts to make a giant spider. And Donkey Kong barrels (it'll make sense when you read the issue)!