Look, we're tired of the flying stories too, but we literally can't stop ourselves. When the guys have races to go to, they have to fly a lot. When they don't have races to go to, they still have to fly a lot. We also talk with the CEO of Capstone Green Energy, and IndyCar sponsor, Darren Jamison, hearing a fun and unique perspective on watching and enjoying racing.
Follow us on Twitter at @askofftrack. Or individually at @Hinchtown, @AlexanderRossi, and @TheTimDurham.
To buy a #GetWellWickens sticker and or shirt, visit Toronto Motorsports, all proceeds go to Sam Schmidt's Conquer Paralysis Now Foundation.
The music you heard in this episode comes from:
Ryan Dann of Holland Patent Public Library. You can find him online at hollandpatentpubliclibrary.com