The guys (except Thim until next week) broke out the old -much nicer- audio equipment, in a shameless attempt to impress our new friends at SiriusXM. They discuss Max Chilton's awesome new helmet, and its one typo. Then, they debut the new segment, 500 Stories (name pending), with a submission from Derick Fabert. Next, it's all about the 500; what Fast Friday has in store, and predictions about qualifying.
Follow us on Twitter at @askofftrack. Or individually at @Hinchtown, @AlexanderRossi, and @TheTimDurham.
To buy a #GetWellWickens sticker and or shirt, visit Toronto Motorsports, all proceeds go to Sam Schmidt's Conquer Paralysis Now Foundation.
The music you heard in this episode comes from:
Ryan Dann of Holland Patent Public Library. You can find him online at
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