Rossi is prepping for Sebring, but Hinch is on vacation with Marco Andretti and Robbie Wickens so Thim calls in for a chat with Robbie {Marco's napping}, and Thim is asking the important questions. (00:01 - 04:03). Not doing a breakdown of this conversation, Hinch and Robbie talk about the realities of Robbie's life post-injury, his recovery, his plans for the future, and what they can both relate to having gone through serious accidents, plus we do a shameless plug for Conor Daly and Jim Ayello's new podcast {link below ;-) } so listen without the cliffnotes (04:04 - 30:45). Thim plugs another podcast he went on about being a single father {Mother F***ers: A Parenting Podcast!} (30:46-31:24) Credits (31:25 - 32:12).
Follow us on Twitter at @askofftrack. Or individually at @Hinchtown, @AlexanderRossi, and @TheTimDurham.
To buy a #GetWellWickens sticker and or shirt, visit Toronto Motorsports, all proceeds go to Sam Schmidt's Conquer Paralysis Now Foundation.
Check out Conor Daly and Jim Ayello's new podcast here!
Check out Mother F***ers: A Parenting Podcast, to hear Thim's interview!
The music you heard in this episode comes from:
Ryan Dann of Holland Patent Public Library. You can find him online at
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