Skip to 22:20 if you want to jump straight into the episode
we start the episode by chatting about a recent misunderstanding involving who cares more about the podcast (hehe its not that deep dw) , and leo shares some of her recent recommendations for the upcoming summer months.
we then reflect on how we felt going into the summer season last year, and how our views have changed. we share what we want to bring into summer this year and touch on overcoming those insecurities that unfortunately do creep up.
to stay up to date on our lives, contribute to future episodes and share any of your thoughts - pls do follow us on instagram, tiktok or subscribe to us on youtube here! ☕ also, if you want to join our BOOK CLUB... you can join us here current book of the month is 'bright young women' by jessica knoll).
p.s we had some microphone issues in this episode but the quality should improve in the second half of the episode - so sorry about this x
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