in this episode we asked the wonderful author Rachel Greenlaw.. all the question we selfishly wanted to know about what it is like being an author (especially a fantasy & romantasy author) !!
Rachel Greenlaw, the author of “One Christmas Morning” and the upcoming book “Compass and Blade” (which comes out on the 29th of February), dives into her journey as an author. She shares her writing process and inspirations, specifically when it comes to world building & the romantic arcs of her characters. Rachel also very honestly discusses what it is like getting feedback, criticism and also touches on the online spaces of ‘booktokers’. we absolutely loved talking to her and hope you enjoy getting an insight into her mind as much as we did <3
Check Rachel out on instagram here and her lovely website here!!
p.s we were very lucky enough to receive early copies of compass and blade and we both read the book in a day. It was the perfect cosy read and the fact that it is the first of an epic romantacy series. Definitely one to add to your 2024 reading list!!
another p.s - Leo loses her audio for around 30 minutes in this episode so please forgive us for this and if the audio sounds a little funky xxx we're sorry
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