let's be honest... what do we actually know about our own cycles and periods?? for me the answer is, shockingly little which is why i was so excited to record this episode!!
this (VIDEO!!) episode we're joined by the amazing siera and clara co-founders of 'girl you need to know this', an amazing women's health community with the purpose of making women's health actually UNDERSTANDABLE and easily accessible (i know it's great right??).
we talk about our personal experiences with understanding our own bodies/periods/contraception, as well as answer (aka i ask, they answer) lots of your questions around:
grab yourself a hot drink of your choice & hope you enjoy listening!! (p.s. as you'll be able to tell this episode was filmed back some months ago - when cara was still on podcast break, leo was still living in london etc. so don't be confused about the apparent jump back in time tehe)
if you want to check out GYNTK (which you absolutely should!) - here are their links:
to stay up to date on our lives, contribute to future episodes and share any of your thoughts - pls do follow us on instagram, tiktok or subscribe to us on youtube here! ☕ also, if you want to join our BOOK CLUB... you can join us here current book of the month is babel by r.f.kuang.
for advertising opportunities, or you don't have any social media and want to chat, please email us at: thematchadiariespod@gmail.com