right in time for valentines day, we asked u guys to ask us questions over on our instagram, all about the big l-word - LOVE! and boy did you ask some good ones - after giving an update on our weekend (which we spent together eeep), we talk about:
and if we do say so ourselves, this is a v cute episode that will hopefully get you thinking and feeling in a lovey-dovey mood. 💌 so... please pour yourself a matcha and enjoy listening! 🍵
p.s. not even gonna lie i am currently half delusional from a long work day, so if anything sounds weird (in this description or in the ep), i'm to blame ahhh!!!
to stay up to date on our lives, contribute to future episodes, and share any of your thoughts - pls do follow us on instagram (@the.matcha.diaries), tiktok or subscribe to us on youtube here! Also, if you want to join our book club... you can join us here! for those responsible non-social media owners out there, you can also always email us at: thematchadiariespod@gmail.com. <3