✨ Skip to 01:08 to hear all of your amazing voice notes! ✨
if you’ve been with us for a while (aka more than a year—hey, loyal listeners 💌), you already know how our end-of-year episodes go. this is officially our fourth year doing this tradition (WHAT how is that even possible?!), and it’s always one of our favourite moments of the year.
as always, we’re answering our yearly journal prompts and, most importantly, featuring your reflections on what you’ve learned this year. this episode includes some familiar voices, heartfelt moments, and even a surprise musical reflection from one of you! thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who’s listened, supported, and contributed voice notes this year. you make this so special.
want to reflect along with us? Here are the prompts we answered:
🌟 If the energy of your past year could be summed up in one word, what would it be?
🌟 What were your big wins this year?
🌟 What were your small wins this year?
🌟 What were your challenges this year, and what did you learn from them?
🌟 What are 3 things you learned this year?
🌟 What do you want to leave behind as you step into 2025?
HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone! 🥂
to stay up to date on our lives, contribute to future episodes and share any of your thoughts - pls do Follow us on instagram, tiktok or subscribe to us on youtube here! ☕
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