Welcome back to episode 2 of our “matcha chats” series - episodes that are filled with heart-spilling topics we care about and want to get off our chests! This week is a little different to our usual episodes, as it will just be me, Cara <3
I thought I would sit down and do a chatty episode on a topic that i know is super relatable, and essentially something that in the past year or so I’ve noticed is taking over me in ways that i don’t want it to. This episode is all about negative self talk and our inner critic.
I dive into what negative self talk and our inner critic truly is, I share the common forms that it shows itself, and go into some of my personal experiences (how it affects my self image, relationships and work). I also did a little bit of research so that we could work together to stop this negative voice and ultimately... be our own best friend!
So... please do pour yourself a matcha and enjoy listening! 🍵 Follow us on instagram (@the.matcha.diaries) to stay up to date on our lives, contribute to future episodes & tell us your thoughts on what we spoke about!