we're back with part 2 of our episode on the inner critic (aka if you haven't listened to our last episode yet... you should... right now tehe <3!).
in today's episode we have a lil catch up about life and then discuss the different types of the inner critic that exist, as well as 6 methods to not only manage your critical inner voice, but eventually silence it. this episode is essentially us learning about these techniques along with you guys and trying to figure out how we could apply them in future!
to stay up to date on our lives, contribute to future episodes and share any of your thoughts - pls do follow us on instagram, tiktok or subscribe to us on youtube here! 💌 also, if you want to join our book club... you can join us here! for advertising opportunities (or you don't have any social media and want to chat) please email us at: thematchadiariespod@gmail.com
our sources:
https://www.sonima.com/meditation/mindful-living/why-youre-hard-on-yourself/#:~:text=Analyses revealed that a client,one's own thoughts and feelings.