✨ skip to 01:08 to listen to all of your voice notes! ✨
if you've been following our podcast for a while (aka for more than a year), you already know the drill with our end of year episodes!!! every year (this is our third year doing this now ... wth!!), we answer the same journal prompts and, most importantly, ask YOU GUYS what's one thing you've learnt this year. listen out for some familiar voices & even a musical reflection on the year from one of you. thank you from the bottom of our hearts to each of you who have listened along to us this year, and especially to those of you who've submitted your own voice notes!
see below the journal prompts we answer:
to stay up to date on our lives, contribute to future episodes and share any of your thoughts - pls do follow us on instagram, tiktok or subscribe to us on youtube here! ☕ also, if you want to join our BOOK CLUB... you can join us here!
for advertising opportunities, or you don't have any social media and want to chat, please email us at: thematchadiariespod@gmail.com
logo credit: @french75studio