in this (truly, VERY!!) special episode, we had the utmost privilege of interviewing the incredible author and @wordsofwomen founder - lauren martin!!
we've talked about her book 'book of moods' and how much we absolutely ADORE it so many times on this podcast and luckily, lauren didn't disappoint by being just as amazing, insightful (and quote filled) as the book itself.
we talk about:
& of course, lots and lots of incredible quotes and women!
PLEASE follow lauren & buy her incredible book/cards via the links below:
to stay up to date on our lives, contribute to future episodes and share any of your thoughts - pls do follow us on instagram, tiktok or subscribe to us on youtube here! ☕ also, if you want to join our BOOK CLUB... you can join us here current book of the month is 'love in the time of cholera' by gabriel garcía márquez).
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