We continue our new special mini-series, Alpha-Movie-Bet, with our 2nd installment covering our favorite movies starting with the letters E, F, G, and H.
Among our favorites and honorable mentions, we list...
- 7 science fiction movies
- 5 fantasy movies
- 7 dramas
- 4 comedies
- 2 animated movies
- 1 horror movie
- 2 horror-comedies
- And, 2 horror franchises
...And, out of those, nine individual movies (not counting those from the two horror franchises) are from the 1980s.
- Which movie is so good, it was listed by two co-hosts?
- Which movie is so good, it was nominated for voting by a co-host who didn't even have the movie on his own list?
- Which letter had no favorites at all for one of the co-hosts?
- Which co-host uncharacteristically listed three historical dramas?
- Which E movie made the lists, "Evan Almighty" or "Event Horizon"?
- Which F movie made the lists, "Field of Dreams" or "The Fifth Element"?
- Which G movie -- out of 3 we've reviewed -- made the lists, "Gattaca," "Galaxy Quest," or "Gremlins"?
- Which H movie made the lists, "Hot Fuzz" or "The House Bunny"?
- Which three Harrison Ford movies made the lists?
- Which three Viggo Mortensen movies made the lists?
- Which two Carrie Fisher movies made the lists?
- Which two Kevin Costner movies made the lists?
- Which two Matt Damon movies made the lists?
- Which two Matthew Broderick movies made the lists?
- Which two Sean Astin movies made the lists?
- Which two Sean Connery movies made the lists?
- Which four movies were nominated for best of the episode?
- And, which movie ultimately won this episode of Alpha-Movie-Bet?
Listen now to find out the answers to these and other questions as we list our favorites for Alpha-Movie-Bet #02: Favorite Movies E to H.
Also, since one of the Daves couldn't join us in our first installment, we let him catch up and declare his favorites for the letters A to D.
What are your favorite movies starting with E, F, G, or H? Let us know. You can contact us at...
- E-Mail: DiscerningGeeks@gmail.com
- Twitter: @DiscerningGeeks
- Facebook: Discerning Geeks Portal
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