This week, we review the World War II historical drama -- and the 5th movie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe -- "Captain America: The First Avenger."
We discuss the story, pacing, characters, excellent casting of characters (not just in this movie but for the entire MCU), the movie's handling of 1940s technology, and the portrayal of the friendship between Steve and Bucky.
We also continue to spin the "Wheel of Insanity" to pick the next movie to review, and this week's spin proves the wheel to be truly insane...or all too sane and maybe truly sentient...or driven by the entropy of order rather than the randomness of chaos.
Which co-host(s) were impressed with this movie and which one(s) were underwhelmed? Which co-host was apparently a fan of the Agent Carter TV series and even got to meet Hayley Atwell (very briefly)? Which co-host is possibly obsessed with "America's @$$"? What is up with the robo-voice in this episode? And, did anyone even remember to mention Red Skull? Listen now for the answers to these and other face-peeling questions!
Grab your gun, helmet, star-spangled uniform, super-soldier serum, Tesseract, and giant frisbee made out of rare, extra-terrestrial metal, as we promote...Captain America: The First Avenger.
Speaking of promotion, is Steve Rogers a Captain forever, just because it sounds better? If he saves the Earth enough times, could he ever become Major America, Colonel America, or even General America? And, unless he skipped a rank there would be that awkwardly wordy period of Lieutenant Colonel America. Then there are the different levels of General ranks (Brigadier, Major, Lieutenant). You know what; forget I said anything.
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Note: The marching band songs used for the intro, lightning round countdowns, and outro, were performed by the United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps and come from an album called "Celebrating 50 Years," which is available at They were used with the -- hopefully not misled -- understanding that that particular album has been released into public domain.