And, this week, something completely different. Again.
This week, one of the Daves couldn't make it, so we postponed our review of (spoilers) "Back to the Future, Part II" and improvised with something we're (There are mixed feelings about the name.)
The concept is simple. We took turns discussing 2 or 3 of our favorite movies beginning with a certain letter, in alphabetical order. After nailing down the rules, we got through letters A, B, C, and D. We also voted on an overall winning movie for the episode. We enjoyed it enough, that we'd like to do more installments like this and hopefully finish off the entire alphabet.
We shouldn't list here what our choices were. You should listen to the episode for that. But, it's safe to say that between favorites and honorable mentions we covered several superhero movies, several 1980s sci-fi classics, and one movie each of anime, claymation, and puppetry. Because there's more to being geeky than just science fiction & fantasy, we didn't restrict ourselves to just certain genres. Going by our overall favorites, we were able to include a political/romantic comedy, several historical dramas, and more.
Grab your...I don't know...alphabet refrigerator magnets, maybe Scrabble tiles...well, either way, start thinking about letters and be ready to do a Google or IMDb search as we take a discerning, alphabetical look into movies from A to D. about you? What are your favorite movies beginning with A, B, C, and D? Let us know. You can contact us at...
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