This week, we take our discerning look to a new level. We do our usual good-stuff/bad-stuff style review of the post-apocalyptic sci-fi movie, "Children of Men," but first, we debate the contentious question, "Is it a Christmas movie?"
- Which co-host(s) said that "Children of Men" is a Christmas movie, and which co-host(s) said it wasn't? What were the reasons for their opinions?
- What elements of the nativity story were undisputed as inspiring part of this movie's premise? Which co-host(s) felt that still wasn't enough?
- Was the hope provided by this movie's premise enough to make the movie's universe have a promising future and, therefore, make it uplifting enough to qualify as a Christmas movie?
- Which co-host used a Spock quote from "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" in his counter-argument to another co-host's point?
- Did any co-hosts change each other's minds, or did opinions remain unshaken?
- Which co-hosts were particularly impressed by several segments of the movie each filmed as one long, fluid camera take?
- Which co-host points out the tendency of people in the movie to live amongst animals and for one character to never finish a cigarette?
- And, how many times was the word cinematography mispronounced in this episode?
Listen now to find out the answers to these and other fertile questions, as we debate the hope, faith, love, and future, of...Children of Men.
Check out our other holiday themed episodes: reviews of "Muppet Christmas Carol" (#028) and Gremlins (#026); our 3-part, radio-play-style, Scrooge-themed Dungeons & Dragons one-shot (#034 to #036); and reviews of "The Man Who Invented Christmas" (#080), "Klaus" (#081), and "Home Alone" (#082, released just one day before this episode).
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :)
Be well, be safe, continue enjoying whatever makes you a Discerning Geek, and join us in the new year as we continue with sci-fi & fantasy movie reviews and hopefully get back on track with Alpha-Movie-Bet, What Should Andruw Watch?, Whatcha' Doin'?, and other special topics.
Also, look out for our first spin-off...The Discerning *Lurkers* Portal: A *Babylon 5* Podcast. :) We hope to start publishing those in January or February.
Update (23 December 2022): Today is the one-year anniversary of our review of "Children of Men." It has now been re-uploaded with slightly improved audio quality. Also... I'm still curious... Do *you* think "Children of Men" is a Christmas movie or not? Let us know.
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Public domain music in this episode includes:
- Intro montage: "we-wish-you-a-merry-christmas-traditionally-16th-century-english-christmas-carol-sheppard-flute-and-xmas-waltz-8848" by JuliusH via
- Opening music: "Silent Night (Unholy Night)" by Alexander Nakarada via
- Lightning Round clock music: "Deck the Halls" by Alexander Nakarada via
- Closing & outro: "silent-night-stille-nacht-heilige-nacht-piano-christmas-carol-traditionally-german-piano-version-from-1912-1791" by JuliusH via