This week we venture into a realm of discovery, vision, and innovation, as we review the (somewhat?) inspirational sci-fi family film "Tomorrowland." The film is based on the future-themed attraction that has a version at each of Disney's resorts in Anaheim, Orlando, Tokyo, Paris, Hong Kong, and Shanghai.
- Did this movie's message go deep enough or remain "surface level"?
- As one of our rare PG-rated movies, what did Dave's kids think about it?
- Which co-host made correlations between this and "Atlas Shrugged"?
- How effective are the theme & message of this movie about "two wolves" and which one you choose to feed?
- Which co-host(s) related this movie to attending World's Fairs?
- Which co-host said the opening felt like it was directed by Steven Spielberg?
- Who is the "old guy talking to the two little girls"?
- The Eiffel Tower scene...good, bad, weird, or mix?
- Why were the holographic pins so impractical & unsafe?
- Which co-host had an issue with the fate of the movie's antagonist?
- Just how & why was Casey Newton, a high school student, supposed to be so special? Was it convincing?
- Which co-host compared this movie to something bad about Christmas?
- Which co-host is running for class president? Okay, this one's easy. Only one of us is in high school. The rest of us are old.
- Which co-host deviated from his normal scoring system this week...and, it's not Andruw?
- Which co-host has been watching Gordon Ramsay cooking shows lately?
- Which co-host had a personal story about how this movie helped on a bad day?
- Dave T.'s Question of the Week: "Are Transformers & Gobots in the same universe, or are Gobots just the K-Mart version of Transformers?" Let us know at or via Facebook or Twitter.
- Todd's Question of the Week: "What is the best thing to use for recording podcasts with co-hosts all in different locations, because what we use sometimes drives us bananas?" Seriously, let us know.
- And, which "person" from the podcast was apparently on vacation this week?
Listen now to find out answers to these & other burning questions. Holy crap! I just looked at the list again, and that's a lot of questions!
Grab your inventor's tools, rocket pack, Audio-Animatronic guide, a positive outlook for the future, and your inter-dimensional rocket ship hidden unrealistically under a major world landmark, as we seek out...Tomorrowland.
Around 36 minutes in, some Irish music from YouTube is briefly played. It is royalty-free but requires attribution. So, the link is provided here.
"Hail to the Chief" is apparently in the public domain. Other public domain songs used throughout many episodes of this podcast come from
Note: Today, Monday 14 November 2022, is the one-year anniversary of this episode. It has been re-uploaded with slightly improved audio quality.
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